Divine Positioning

Divine Positioning

One of the most important things in the midst of this famine is to be Divinely Positioned. Divine positioning is staying and being where God wants you to be 

at every given time. This could be a job, a business, a relationship, a ministry or a geographical location. To be divinely positioned is to be in synch with 

heaven. Don’t reposition to Moab like Naomi and Elimelech unless you hear from heaven. Don’t relocate to Sodom and Gomorra like Lot. He thought the distance grass was lush but ended up losing all. There is always a way that seems right to a man but ends up in destruction. You may practice the right 

proven principles of God and still get the wrong results or failed because you are in the wrong place. It is like the sower sowing viable seeds in the wrong soil. This brings frustration. To be out of divine position is like a hand out of joint. The critical question is where am I? Are you divinely positioned?

Benefits of being divinely positioned

1. Being divinely positioned makes you relevant in the programme of God (II Pet 1: 12). God wants you to be established in today’s truth. It is like the moving cloud of glory. You must understand spiritual timing and transition. Understand when to move and when remain. Not to move with God’s timing is like living on stale manna!

2. Being divinely positioned is the secret of continuous blessings and supply. Elijah had to be at the right place and the right time to enjoy continuous supply. God knows where the supply is. At times it is in the most unlikely places and with the most unlikely people. It comes disguised but he will look after you.

3. Your position determines the atmosphere you enjoy.
There is a spiritual atmosphere that determines what you attract into your life. The manifest Presence of God is only within the context of his will. That is why hell is the absence of God. When you are out of divine position, you open your spirit to spiritual attacks and demonic influences.

4. Your positioning determines your nourishment.  Your gifts though deployed will not flourish in the wrong environment. Your ability to grow like a cedar is dependent on where you are planted. You may have the greatest potentials and may never rise because of the wrong environment. An eagle will never rise if it continues to follow the mother hen. You must be divinely positioned!

5. Everything comes by way of relationships. There people sent to help you. There are “helpers of destiny”. It becomes difficult for them to locate you if you function out of place and season.

How do I divinely position myself?

1. Listen to out His voice. God is constantly saying something. His voice is always to move you to into relevancy. He doesn’t want you to grope in darkness (John 10: 27-28)

2. Take the small steps. Start out, do what you know! Leave the unknown to Him. Don’t try to figure out everything. Like Abraham God may ask you to step out from the known to the unknown. His command is not burdensome it is because you are about to become the father of nations.

3. Expect a Divine Hook-up where he’s taking you. He will setup you up for the next level of your life. You are a King in waiting.

Finally expect a divine hook-up. Like Saul who was wandering around looking for lost donkeys unknowing that Samuel had been intimated to enthrone him as the first king of the Israel. 


  • Mark Chapman
    Posted March 16, 2017 2:09 pm

    What a great story! I bet it works for anyone. Thank you for sharing!

    • Christine Miller
      Posted March 16, 2017 2:10 pm

      Please suscribe to stay ahead of the news!

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